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Final course reflection

  Image by Dayana Mendez I truly believe that as we approach the end of any endeavor that we commit to for a period of time, whether personal or in this case academical it is important to reflect on the impact it had on us since we invest material resources and the most precious thing we have which is time.   Because of that, I was really pleased when we were asked to write this final reflection in which I’ll have the opportunity to mention the main areas that impacted me throughout the course, the way I see technology after all I learned, and the things that I found most rewarding.   The main thing I learned and will definitely continue practicing in my teaching is balance. I learned that being a teacher these days is significantly less challenging than it was even a decade ago, we have a variety of resources that allow us to be creative and unlimited access to make our lessons more interesting but at the same time, that abundance of tools and resources can become overwhelming sin

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